Environmental Policy

Our environmental policy aims to promote sound management of the environment balancing the needs for social and economic development and environment integrity and accountability.
The policy was drawn up to provide clear directions for safeguarding the remaining natural forests of the country in order to conserve biodiversity, soil and water resources. Based on the above policy we are sourcing our essential requirements of wood resources – Gliricidia only from the farmers who regularly grow and dispose for economic reasons. For every branch cut we encourage to grow two more plants. Sourcing of wood from rain forest is prohibited.

Water sources are obtained from the borewells developed at the site. After process usage the water is purified and used for domestic, harvesting and other internal use ensuring minimum water is disposed to the ground.

State of the art technology is used at the plant to ensure sound and dust emissions are within environmental standards of the country to maintain good air quality, to reduce air pollution and in turn reduce national health expenditures.

To better preserve the environment LNP has collaborated with cement block manufacturers to effectively manage the disposal of wood ash.

The biosafety policy set the overall framework in which adequate safety measures are developed and put into force to minimize possible risks to human health and the environment while extracting maximum benefits from any potential that modern bio technology may offer. Safety policy is primarily based on worker safety with the use of industrial safety equipments and insurance protection policy.

Reduces Emissions for a Greener Future

  • Globally Biomass power removes over 30 million tons of carbon dioxide annually by replacing fossil fuels and by growing dedicated energy crops.
  • The plant is a neutral energy source and is an excellent project covering many aspects of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Improves Forest Health & Vegetation

  • The biomass power industry removes over 68.8 tons of forest debris annually, improving forest health and dramatically reducing the risk of global warming.
  • We can produce organic fertilizer by waste decomposed leaves & waste burnt ash of our Biomass power plant, which has been successfuly made & proven among farmers in our region at the most critical need of time.